Travel Arrangements
The Conference will be hosted at The Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Event Center. The following are the larger properties nearby and downtown Bar Harbor. Any with (WFH) beside them denote those within the Witham Family Hotels, Atlantic Oceanside being part of the group.
*Reminder: the government per diem rate for lodging is $219.

Within ½ Mile
of Atlantic Oceanside
Bar Harbor Motel (WFH)
Acadia Inn (WFH)
Edenbrook Motel
Highbrook Motel
Bluenose Inn
Hampton Inn
Atlantic Eyrie Lodge
Holiday Inn
Bar Harbor Regency
1-1.75 miles
Downtown Bar Harbor
Bar Harbor Inn (WFH)
Bar Harbor Villager Motel (WFH)
Bar Harbor Grand Hotel (WFH)
West Street Hotel
Harborside Hotel
Mount Desert Inn
Port Inn
Island Place
Bar Harbor Manor

On Mount Desert Island,
enroute to Ellsworth
Salt Cottages
Gallagher’s Travels Motel & Cabins
Hanscom’s Motel & Cottages
High Seas Motel
Acadia Pines Motel
Best Western Acadia Park Inn
Bay Meadow Cottages
Bar Harbor Cottages & Suites
Wood of Eden Glampground
Belle Isle Inn
Sunnyside Motel & Cottages
Bar Harbor KOA (cottages)
Northeast Harbor