Session 1
11:20am-12:30pm ET
10:20-11:30am CT
9:20-10:30am MT
8:20-9:30am PT
7:20-8:30am AKT
Accessing Creative Solutions in the Court System
What are the unique things we can do in the wellness court to solve problems? We will discuss how to use the court’s special expertise as part of an extended family that provides access to a braided network of services and resources that support healing. We will address examples of challenges faced by individual participants and discuss how to support their recovery while they navigate the Healing to Wellness Court system. The court provides the community with the opportunity to be accountable for their membership.
Session 2
12:45-1:45pm ET
11:45am-12:45pm CT
10:45-11:45am MT
9:45-10:45am PT
8:45-9:45am AKT
Developing Positive Community Relationships
We can’t hand over our problems to someone else; we have to take them on together. The degrees of separation in Indian Country are slim and it is up to us to treat our relatives with respect through unique support tailored to their needs. We will discuss how to develop support groups and other community opportunities for participants around specific issues that can change what the court represents for the community and for the individual participants.
Session 3
2:00-2:45pm ET
1:00-1:45pm CT
12:00-12:45pm MT
10:00-10:45am AKT
Finding and Sustaining Long-term Funding
From their inception to their development, Healing to Wellness Courts require sustainable funding from various sources in order to function appropriately. We will learn from other tribes’ experiences navigating the fiscal resources available.